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    Program Resources

    • Made Worthy Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      You Are Worthy

      To truly know our worth, we must first understand that Jesus is the only One who can make us worthy. Nothing we can do on our own will ever measure up. We don’t have to earn Jesus’s love to know that He loves us. In fact, because He is the One who has made us worthy, we can live boldly as an example of what true worth looks like. We can quit trying to check every box and rest in the One who made us and sees us.

      In this five-session Bible study, Mary Margaret West teaches teen girls what it means to be made worthy of Christ as she examines the lives of people in the Bible whom God called worthy because of their faith.


      *Five small group sessions?

      *Leader Guide in the back of the Bible study book to guide questions and discussion with small groups?

      *Biblically rooted and gospel-centered?

      *Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth?

      *Free leader resources, including promotional video and social media assets available for download at

      This book will lead girls to…?

      *identify who God is and how He made them??
      *understanding they cannot earn love from God??
      *know what it means to find their worth in God alone??
      *live boldly because of where their worth is found??

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    • What Happens Next Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


      What comes to mind when you think about the end times? If you are like many Christians, you might not think about it much at all. You have a carpe diem kind of faith that focuses on the here and now. Why occupy your thoughts with the “not yet” when you have enough to deal with in the “right now”? The answer is simple: because Jesus focused on the end times. A full thirty percent of his teachings in the Gospels have to do with discourses on heaven, hell, and the events that will signal the final age. So, if Jesus made the end times a priority, it only makes sense that his followers would make it a priority as well.

      Perhaps one of the reasons why you don’t like to think about the end times is because you know it will involve turmoil and strife. Indeed, Jesus said the final days would be marked by events that include economic turmoil, political conflicts, ethnic tensions, persecution of Christians, famines, wars and rumors of wars, diseases, false prophets, waning faith in Jesus, and other fearful sights. Jesus declared, “All these are the beginning of birth pains” (Matthew 24:9). Labor pains increase in frequency and intensity as the delivery draws near. Jesus was speaking of a day in which the same will happen in the world.

      Now, when it comes to considering these events that will signal the end of the age, you have a choice as to how you will respond. You can see these circumstances through the eyes of fear or faith. The eyes of fear see little reason for hope and ample reason for anxiety. However, the eyes of faith see history inching closer and closer to a new era that will usher in a heavenly destiny–a time when you will “reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize” (Philippians 3:14 nlt). God has told you what to expect not to scare you but to prepare you. He is like a pilot on the intercom telling the passengers about impending turbulence. A good pilot keeps his travelers informed. Your good Father does the same!

      God wants you to have a deep-seated confidence that he is firmly on his throne and the future is in his hands. He has given prophecy to empower his saints with the reassurance that whatever happens in this life, he is ultimately sovereign.

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    • Untangle Your Emotions Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Gui


      What does the Bible tell us about our emotions?

      Does the Bible really tell us that our emotions are untrustworthy? God made us to feel our emotions, to examine and share them–not manage or suppress them. We can learn what it means to live emotionally-healthy lives from studying Jesus’ life and how He cared for and responded to the people around Him.

      Join Jennie Allen for the Untangle Your Emotions Bible Study as she helps you discover that emotions that are submitted to God and used for the purposes God intends connect us to each other and to Him.

      This six-session study will equip you to:

      *Be encouraged through the examples of emotion in Scripture by God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

      *Identify the unhealthy ways you might be coping with emotions.

      *Learn a biblical step-by-step method to help you process, name, and notice what you are feeling.

      *Move from apathetic to articulate when it comes to sharing what you feel.

      This study guide includes:

      *Individual access to six streaming video sessions
      *Personal study between sessions
      *Leader’s Guide

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    • Untangle Your Emotions Conversation Card Deck


      What does the Bible tell us about our emotions?

      Does the Bible really tell us that our emotions are untrustworthy? God made us to feel our emotions, to examine and share them–not manage or suppress them. We can learn what it means to live emotionally-healthy lives from studying Jesus’ life and how He cared for and responded to the people around Him.

      Join Jennie Allen for the Untangle Your Emotions Bible Study as she helps you discover that emotions that are submitted to God and used for the purposes God intends connect us to each other and to Him.

      This six-session study will equip you to:

      *Be encouraged through the examples of emotion in Scripture by God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

      *Identify the unhealthy ways you might be coping with emotions.

      *Learn a biblical step-by-step method to help you process, name, and notice what you are feeling.

      *Move from apathetic to articulate when it comes to sharing what you feel.

      This Conversation Card Deck includes 113 cards — fifteen cards for each session with questions designed to start deep, honest conversations. The card deck is designed to be used with the Untangle Your Emotions Bible Study Guide, sold separately.

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    • Sermon On The Mount Bible Study Book Revised And Expanded With Video Access (Stu


      In His sweeping depiction of kingdom citizenship, Jesus utters some of the most familiar passages in all of Scripture. Most of us have only encountered the Sermon on the Mount in fragments, considering its subdivisions as complete teachings in their own right-a study on blessedness; a reflection on the Lord’s Prayer; a discussion of religious devotion, money, ambition, and relationships.

      What if we navigated these three chapters in Matthew as they were originally heard? What if we read them as one cohesive, well-ordered message, intended to challenge us to think differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus?

      This 9-session study will give you the opportunity to do just that. Come and learn from Jesus, just as His disciples did. First released in 2014, this study is now updated with new teaching videos from Jen Wilkin.

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    • Christmas Promise Sunday School Lessons


      This three-session Sunday School curriculum is based on the best-selling storybook The Christmas Promise and shows children what God promised centuries before the first Christmas: a unique forever rescuing King (King Jesus) and joy for all who live under his loving rule.

      Featuring age-differentiated lesson plans for 3-5s, 5-8s, and 8-12s, this flexible resource will work for any size of kids’ group and is easy to use for any leader. Also perfect for Homeschool Co-ops.

      Includes activity, craft, and game ideas, along with an exclusive link and password for free downloadable resources.

      There is also an outline plan for a family service that can be used during Advent or at Christmas.

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    • Short Guide To Groups


      We are made for community. Deep within the heart of people is a longing to both know others and be known by them, and groups ministry has the opportunity to meet these needs in every church.

      Groups are an art, not a science. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for designing transformational groups that God uses to mold people into the image of Christ together. There are dozens of variables and unknowns in the work of groups, but we believe the following is true:

      *There is no lasting transformation in a person without another person or persons.
      *The less relational your church is, the less transformational your church will be.
      *The people in your group are a partial inheritance from the Lord right now.
      *Groups exist for community with God and one another.
      *So goes groups, so goes the church. So goes the church, so goes groups.

      Groups, at their core, embody the call to love one another found sixty times throughout the New Testament. This book is for people who love the possibilities of groups. And for those who wa

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    • Its Not Supposed To Be This Way Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/


      In this six-session video Bible study (streaming included), New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst offers a safe place to share your disappointments, fresh biblical insight to get you through painful situations, and life-giving perspectives for living between Eden and eternity.

      Life often looks very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. At times like these, it’s easy to feel disappointed and disillusioned and to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness.

      So what do you do when God’s timing seems questionable, his lack of intervention hurtful, and his promises doubtful?

      Lysa understands this deeply. But she’s also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In this video Bible study, Lysa invites small groups and individuals into her own journey of faith. With vulnerability and honest humor, she helps us:

      *Learn how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations.

      *Train ourselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so we can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes.

      *Discover the secret of remaining trustful when God seems to give us more than we can handle.

      *Shift our suspicion that God is cruel or unfair to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing us for what’s next.

      *Know how to encourage a friend and help her navigate hard realities with real help from God’s truth.

      This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

      *The study guide itself–with group discussion prompts, activities, personal Bible study, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

      *An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don’t need to buy a DVD!).

      Sessions and video run times:

      1. The Birthplace of Disappointment (27:30)
      2. Living Between Two Gardens (18:00)
      3. Problems Placed on Us and Problems Within Us (18:00)
      4. The Four Steps of Restoration (15:00)
      5. When the Enemy Comes Against Us (16:00)
      6. Kingdom Minded, Eternally Focused (21:00)

      Watch on any device!

      Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed

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    • Women Of The Bible New Testament Bible Study


      Encounter fascinating women from the New Testament in this six-session Bible study. Their lives challenged what society said women like them “ought” to do–or not do–but social traditions do not constrict God! Discover these women’s tenacious faithfulness to their Lord, their seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and the unique roles they played in bringing others to Jesus and the new life he offers.

      Each session unpacks the history, culture, and geography that forms the backdrop to these women’s lives, giving you a deeper understanding of their stories and insight into what we can learn from them for today.

      This study will challenge what you thought you always knew about these women. Read their stories anew with this easy-to-use Bible study incorporating helpful visuals, thought-provoking questions, and practical life application.

      The six sessions include:

      *Mothers of Jesus from the genealogy in the gospel of Matthew
      *Mary and her warrior song in the gospel of Luke
      *Anna the prophetess at the temple
      *The Samaritan woman at the well
      *Sisters Mary and Martha
      *Women of the early church in Paul’s letters to the Romans

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format–read it, know it, explore it, and live it–these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Bible Study


      Do you think you know the fruit of the Spirit? Think again! In this six-session Bible study, you will rediscover the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, goodness, self-control, and gentleness. Learn the context around Paul’s writings about the fruit, and hone in on each fruit understand fully what it means to keep in step with the Spirit. Full color visuals, thought-provoking questions, Bible passages for further reflection, and more will offer a deeper look into a familiar topic. Gain new insights as you focus on the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life.

      *Cover all nine fruits of the Spirit in six sessions
      *Know the meaning and Greek word for each fruit
      *Biblical examples of spiritual fruit-filled lives
      *Fruit of the Spirit vs. acts of the flesh
      *”Fruitful” action steps anyone can do to walk in the Spirit
      *The who, what, where, when and why of Paul’s letter to the Galatians

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full-color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format-read it, know it, explore it, and live it-these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Stories Jesus Told Teen Bible Study Book


      If you’re human, you love a good story. Whether it’s a novel, a film, or a song, we are products of the narratives that have formed us. We’re made up of stories we’d like to forget, as well. If you’re looking for fresh inspiration, or stuck living under the weight of a story you can’t shake off, the Parables of Jesus can form who we are and reveal more about God than we ever thought possible – and they’ll provide the hope we’re all looking for, speaking above all the other noise we are experiencing.

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    • Stories Jesus Told Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Stories Jesus Told Bible Study Book includes printed content for six sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” a leader guide, tips for leading a group, and a Bible reading plan.

      Everyone loves a good story. Whether it’s a novel, film, or song, we are products of the narratives that have formed us-for good or bad. If you need fresh inspiration or are stuck living under the weight of a story you can’t shake off, consider this study of the parables of Jesus.

      Through six sessions, you’ll hear directly from Jesus through the Word. His parables not only form (or reform) who we are, they reveal more about God than we ever thought possible. They provide the hope we’re looking for, speaking above all the other noise we may be experiencing.

      Session topics:
      1. Why Parables?
      2. The Parable of the Soils
      3. The Parables of Lost Things
      4. The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds
      5. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
      6. The Parable of the Talents

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    • No More Excuses Teen Guys Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      No More Excuses Teen Guys’ Bible Study Book includes printed content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and a leader guide.

      Sometimes circumstances in life make it difficult for young men to be all God wants them to be. But Tony Evans urges guys to stop looking at their circumstances as excuses and instead to see them as challenges and opportunities for success.

      Exploring examples of men of God throughout the Bible, this study will challenge teen guys to lay down their excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be a man of character and commitment. Despite setbacks, failures, and pressures, guys can still find purpose, meaning, and direction in life and become the men God has called them to be.

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    • Philippians Teen Bible Study


      As disciples of Jesus, we have been given the great responsibility of stewarding our influence for the glory of God. We were created to think, dream, and lead at the feet of Jesus. Leadership is, then, cultivated under the overarching purpose of discipleship. This is why leadership doesn’t begin with action, but rather identity – not with what we can accomplish, but rather what Jesus has accomplished for us. In this study we will dive into Paul’s letter to the first church ever planted in Europe. A closer look allows us to glean the transformational ideas that successful leaders have embraced, both past and present.

      In this 7-session Bible study, students will learn from Student Leadership University Vice President, Brent Crowe, as he examines the life and leadership of the apostle Paul, exploring twelve key elements of Christ-honoring leadership. Students will begin to recognize their own leadership potential, understand what it truly means to lead others, and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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    • Women Of The Bible


      Loaded with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts, the Women of the Bible: Old Testament Bible Study is easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

      This six-session Bible study explores the impact of incredible women from the Old Testament. With fascinating historical insights and engaging discussion questions, you’ll learn about Old Testament women such as:

      *The outspoken matriarch Rebecca
      *Five daughters who reshaped the law for women in ancient Israel
      *The outstanding judge Deborah and the feisty warrior Jael
      *A life-saving wise woman of a city under siege
      *The hospitable woman of Shunem
      *Lady Wisdom from the book of Proverbs who is the picture of wise living

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    • John 1-3 Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Drawing from the first 3 chapters of John’s Gospel, this study shows group members that Jesus became like us so that we could become like Him.

      *Videos featuring author Matt Chandler
      *12 small-group sessions with personal study between sessions
      *Session video previews featuring author Matt Chandler
      *Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
      *Promotional video
      *Social media assets for the group leader

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    • I Am Bible Study


      In the Gospel of John, Jesus uses “I Am” statements that tell his listeners exactly who he is: the Bread of Life; the Light of the World; the Gate; the Good Shepherd; the Resurrection and the Life; the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and the True Vine. These claims infuriated the religious leaders and eventually led to Jesus’ crucifixion. This six-session study examines Jesus’ extraordinary claims and shows how Jesus provides, protects, guides, saves, and gives everything we need to grow in spiritual maturity.

      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on Jesus don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for group and individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

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    • Your Time Starved Marriage Workbook For Women (Workbook)


      Reclaim your time. Reconnect your marriage. Do you feel overscheduled and underconnected? Do you wish there was a surefire way to create more meaningful time together each day? Reclaim your time together and all the relational benefits that go with it. Your Time-Starved Marriage isn’t about being more productive-it’s about being more connected.

      Six sessions include:
      1. Is Your Marriage Slipping into the Future?
      2. Busyness-the Archenemy of Marriage
      3. Time Styles-Uncovering your Unique Approach to Time
      4. Prioritizing Primetime-Maximizing your Moments
      5. Time Bandits-Catching Your Time-Stealers Redhanded
      6. Time Mines-Where You’re Sure to Strike Gold

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    • Going Live In 3 2 1


      If there’s one thing Tina Houser knows how to do, it’s how to tell GREAT stories Bible stories that is! If you are ready to take your Sunday school or children’s church lessons from ho-hum to hurray, this book is for you! Tina shares many of her time-tested, kid-pleasing storytelling techniques in this information-packed book. Your kids will be having so much fun they won’t even realize they’re learning Bible stories by heart! Energize your Bible storytelling time with: Costumed Characters Powerful Props Puppets New Environments Story Bags and much more!

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    • Love Talk Workbook For Women Newly Updated And Expanded (Workbook)


      We set off to crack the code for meaningful conversation . . . a plan that would move our communication from good to great. And we found it. A deep and simple plan for everything a loving conversation has to offer. We call it Love Talk. –Drs. Les and Leslie Parrot

      This women’s workbook will help you personalize the concepts you encounter in the Parrotts’ book Love Talk and put them to work in your relationships. Inside, you’ll find exercises, assessments, self-tests, tips, applications . . . all the tools and guidance you need to:
      *Identify your personal communication style
      *Understand how it interacts with that of your partner
      *Talk your way to a healthier, stronger relationship

      Love Talk is like no other communication book you’ve ever read. The fruit of years of research by two foremost relationship experts (who also happen to be husband and wife), this book forges a new path to the heart of loving conversation. You’ll begin by identifying your security need and determining your personal communication style. Then you’ll put together everything you discover to learn how the two of you can speak each other’s language like never before.

      This very day, you can begin an adventure in communication that will draw the two of you closer, and closer, and closer . . . consistently, in a way that creates the depth and connection you long for in your relationship.

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    • Love Talk Workbook For Men Newly Updated And Expanded (Workbook)


      We set off to crack the code for meaningful conversation . . . a plan that would move our communication from good to great. And we found it. A deep and simple plan for everything a loving conversation has to offer. We call it Love Talk. –Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott

      This men’s workbook will help you personalize the concepts you encounter in the Parrotts’ book Love Talk and put them to work in your relationships. Inside, you’ll find exercises, assessments, self-tests, tips, applications . . . all the tools and guidance you need to:
      *Identify your personal communication style
      *Understand how it interacts with that of your partner
      *Talk your way to a healthier, stronger relationship

      Love Talk is like no other communication book you’ve ever read. The fruit of years of research by two foremost relationship experts (who also happen to be husband and wife), this book forges a new path to the heart of loving conversation. You’ll begin by identifying your security need and determining your personal communication style. Then you’ll put together everything you discover to learn how the two of you can speak each other’s language like never before.

      This very day, you can begin an adventure in communication that will draw the two of you closer, and closer, and closer . . . consistently, in a way that creates the depth and connection you long for in your relationship.

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    • Simply Stylish Burlap Stars And Hearts Cut Outs


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483854663UPC: 044222276270Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: June 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Evidence That Demands A Verdict Study Guide


      For more than forty years, Evidence That Demands a Verdict has encouraged and strengthened millions of people around the world. It has convinced skeptics of the Bible’s reliability, helped believers articulate their faith, and given them the vital facts they need to defend God’s Word and lead others to faith in Jesus. The book has now been revised and updated to include newly uncovered historical documentation, recent scholarship, and new and expanded chapters to address recent attacks on Christianity.

      In this new eight-session video study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), Josh and his son, Sean, help believers in Christ understand how the books of the New Testament came into being, how they differ from “Gnostic” and non-biblical texts, and why they can be sure that the New Testament books are historically reliable. They also examine how believers can know that Jesus existed, why the claims he made about himself are true, how he fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about himself, and how believers can know the resurrection took place.

      This study is for anyone who has ever been stumped by someone’s arguments against Christianity or the Bible-or has wondered for themselves if the Bible’s depiction of Jesus is true and not just a made-up fairy tale. It has been specifically created to help Christians know what they believe, why it is true, and how they communicate biblical truth to a skeptical world.

      This study guide is designed for use with the Evidence That Demands a Verdict Video Study (sold separately).

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    • Very Hungry Caterpillar Learning Cards


      GRADES PK-2: Master prekindergarten, kindergarten, first, and second grade skills with learning cards. Maximize learning, retention, ace tests and quizzes. This bilingual flash card set is also great for Spanish language learners of all ages, included teens and adults.

      INCLUDES: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Learning Cards offer two activity guides with 65 cards to help students retell this loved story; learn numbers, days of week; and more–in Spanish too!

      TEST PREP NECESSITY: Studying with learning cards increases concentration and improves recall. Learning cards are a tried and true way to study successfully. These are a great supplement to workbooks, worksheets, and study lessons.

      HOMESCHOOL HELPER: Use these in the classroom or at home. Regardless of your homeschool curriculum, flash cards and learning cards are a perfect addition to homeschool supplies.

      LEARNING TOOLS KIDS: Vibrant colors and well-loved figures from the imagination of Eric Carle will brighten and enliven any classroom. These can be used as review cards or for creative games that allow children to play and learn. Flash cards also allow children to develop thinking, decision-making, turn-taking, and social skills.

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    • Breathing Life Into Sunday School


      Breathing Life into Sunday School speaks to the most important ministry that churches have, their Bible teaching ministry. Although Sunday school goes by many names today, it is still a time-honored and effective ministry for teaching the Bible, reaching people for Christ, assimilating them into the church, and growing them as disciples. The majority of churches inside and outside the SBC utilize Sunday school and need to know ways to grow it and improve its health.

      Although Sunday school is an important ministry, many churches have not experienced its full potential. Sunday school is in decline in most denominations, and there is a lack of health and vitality that it once had. In many churches, the leadership of the Sunday school is in the hands of untrained laymen (Sunday school directors), or is led by the pastor who has no paid staff members, and who might even be bi-vocational. This limits the pastor’s time to address the needs of the church’s Sunday school.

      This book details twelve ways that a church can experience new life and vibrancy in its Sunday school ministry. The twelve essentials are replicable by churches of any size. Based on the author’s extensive history and training in Christian education and Sunday school, he helps the reader focus on key practices that are needed in order for a Sunday school to grow.

      The 128 page book is designed to help church leaders train Sunday school directors, teachers, and group members of a Sunday school class or Bible study group.

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    • Purple Marble Scalloped Borders


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483852638ISBN10: 1483852636Binding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Galaxy Name Tags


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483852393ISBN10: 1483852393Binding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Galaxy Calendar Bulletin Board Set


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483852362ISBN10: 1483852369Binding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Galaxy Planets Cut Outs


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483852263ISBN10: 1483852261Binding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Woodland Whimsy Hello Name Tags


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483852072ISBN10: 1483852075Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Woodland Whimsy Green Leaf Cut Outs


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851884ISBN10: 1483851885Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Woodland Whimsy Birthday Mini Bulletin Board Set


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851877ISBN10: 1483851877Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Woodland Whimsy Alphabet Line: Manuscript Mini Bulletin Board Set


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851853ISBN10: 1483851850Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Woodland Whimsey Library Pockets


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851808ISBN10: 148385180XIllustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Just Teach Name Tags


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851730ISBN10: 1483851737Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Just Teach Center Cards Bulletin Board Set


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851679ISBN10: 1483851672Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Hello Sunshine Name Tags


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851570ISBN10: 1483851575Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Simply Stylish Black And White Stripe Nameplates


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851280ISBN10: 1483851281Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Simply Stylish Alphabet Line Cursive Mini Bulletin Board Set


      SKU (ISBN): 9781483851259ISBN10: 1483851257Illustrator: Melanie RalbuskyBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Christian

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    • Case For Christmas Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In his bestselling book The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel retraced his spiritual journey from atheism to faith by showing how the evidence he obtained from experts in the field of history, archaeology, and ancient manuscripts led him to the verdict that Jesus truly was the Son of God. Now, in this four-week study for Christmas (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), Lee investigates the story surrounding the birth of Jesus-and how we can know that it is true.

      In each session, he will explore the following aspects of the Christmas story:
      *What the Gospel accounts actually say, what other stories about Jesus’ birth emerged in the first through third centuries, and how we can know the biblical accounts are accurate
      *The Bible’s claim that Jesus was born of a virgin and whether that idea-and other aspects of the Christmas story-developed from the pagan religions of the day
      *Some aspects of the Christmas story that don’t seem to match with the historical or archaeological record, such as the census, the existence of Nazareth, and the slaughter of the innocents
      *The great mystery of the incarnation-how Jesus could be both fully God and fully human at the same time-and how we can know he is truly the promised Messiah

      The Case for Christmas invites participants to examine the evidence for themselves and consider why Christmas matters in the first place. It will point them to the inescapable conclusion that Jesus truly was who he said he was: the divine Son of God.

      Designed for use with The Case for Christmas Video Study/The Case for Easter Video Study (sold separately).

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    • Journey To The Resurrection


      From Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his resurrection on Sunday morning, go day-by-day through the events of Holy Week. Combining historical and biblical insights with colorful charts, timelines, and illustrations, this six-week study will deepen your understanding of Jesus’ death and Easter resurrection.

      Gain a deeper understanding of events like Passover and the Last Supper, Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, the road to Golgotha and crucifixion, and the empty tomb and the Easter resurrection. See how even the smallest details of Holy Week fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Also includes a timeline of events and a map of Jerusalem.
      Features include:
      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on Jesus’ journey to the cross and his resurrection don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for group and individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

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    • KidMin Toolbox Supercharged Special Events And Holiday Lessons Lessons


      Supercharged Special Events and Holiday Lessons is part of the KidMin Toolbox, designed to resource Kids Ministry leaders to lead and disciple kids and families. This book is designed to provide fun, practical, and understandable lessons and activities to use with one child or fifty to build their understanding and knowledge of the Bible!

      Each lesson centers on a special event or holiday theme and is based on the Levels of Biblical Learning(R) concept areas. Use these lessons and activities during special events to help build a strong, biblical foundation for each child in your ministry.

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    • KidMin Toolbox Spot On Special Needs Activities


      Spot-On Special Needs Activities is part of the KidMin Toolbox, designed to resource Kids Ministry leaders to lead and disciple kids and families. Activities include great inclusion tips to meet the needs of every child involved. Based on the Levels of Biblical Learning(R) concept areas, each activity helps build a strong, biblical foundation for each child in your ministry.

      This book is designed to provide fun, practical, and understandable activities that you can use with one child or fifty to build their understanding and knowledge of the Bible!

      2 in stock

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    • KidMin Toolbox Brilliant Bible Skills Activities


      Brilliant Bible Skills and Activities is part of the KidMin Toolbox, designed to resource Kids Ministry leaders to lead and disciple kids and families. Based on the Levels of Biblical Learning(R) concept areas and Bible Skills for Kids(TM) skill areas, each chapter of this book helps build a strong, biblical foundation for each child in your ministry.

      This book is designed to provide fun, practical, and understandable activities that you can use with one child or fifty to build their understanding and knowledge of the Bible!

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    • KidMin Toolbox Great Games That Teach


      Great Games that Teach is part of the KidMin Toolbox, designed to resource Kids Ministry leaders to lead and disciple kids and their families. This book is designed to provide fun, practical, and understandable games centered around the Levels of Biblical Learning(R) to reinforce biblical truths.

      Use these great games with one child or fifty to build their understanding and knowledge of the Bible!

      2 in stock

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    • Parables Of Jesus Participant Guide


      Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths through simple, vivid, and engaging stories. Woven from the stuff of everyday life, the parables of Jesus made the kingdom of God understandable and accessible to his listeners. In six engaging, interactive small group sessions, this Deeper Connections DVD will give you new insights into his parables and their meanings that will help you to appreciate more fully their relevance for your own life.

      With maps and pictures, outlines, key Scripture verses, discussion questions, plenty of room for note taking, and a personal five-day Bible study for each session, the participant’s guide will help you get the most out of The Parables of Jesus, both in your group and in applying what you learn to your life.

      Deeper Connections Series: Unlike any other Bible study available, this visually stunning DVD series is written and taught by biblical experts-six professors with specialized areas of knowledge.

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    • Clouds Better Than Paper Bulletin Board Roll


      This revolutionary non-woven fabric makes creating beautiful bulletin board backdrops quick and easy! The lightweight material is simple to hang-no more struggling with paper that wrinkles and tears. Attach border trim, accents, posters, and student work with staples or tape and remove without ripping or leaving conspicuous holes. The durable write-on/wipe-off surface can be used again and again. Roll measures 4′ x 12′.

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    • Home Sweet Classroom Galvanized Metal Better Than Paper Bulletin Board Roll


      This revolutionary Galvanized Metal non-woven fabric makes creating beautiful bulletin board backdrops quick and easy! The lightweight material is simple to hang-no more struggling with paper that wrinkles and tears. Attach border trim, accents, posters, and student work with staples or tape and remove without ripping or leaving conspicuous holes. The durable write-on/wipe-off surface can be used again and again. Roll measures 4′ x 12′.

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    • Alphabet Pocket Chart Cards


      Set includes:

      210 total pieces. Cards measure 4 1/2″ x 3 1/4″.
      106 consonant photo cards
      26 vowel photo cards
      26 uppercase and lowercase letter cards with primary lines
      26 uppercase cards
      26 lowercase cards

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    • Foam Alphabet Dice


      Help build letter and sound recognition skills with this set of lowercase alphabet dice. The dice are soft and quiet and feature 78 consonants on red dice and 42 vowels on blue dice. Includes 20 dice plus teacher’s tips with suggested activities. Each die measures 3/4″.

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