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    Concordia Publishing House

    • Jesse Tree Jesus Family Tree


      Who is Jesus for whom we are waiting this Advent?

      Who is Jesus’ family and where did they come from?

      How does Jesus connect all the way back to Abraham, Jesse, and even Adam?

      Teach your children, ages 4 and up, about Jesus this Advent and Christmas season through this 16-page children’s book, using Jesse’s tree to introduce Jesus’ family tree, explaining that through Him we are part of the family of God, rooted in Christ through our Baptism.

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    • Jesse Tree Daily Devotions

      Original price was: $2.99.Current price is: $1.20.

      God made many promises to His people in the Old Testament, with His people knowing that one day he would fulfill them. Follow 26 daily devotions on how Christ fulfilled these promises in with His coming to save His people. Each devotion follows a key Bible verse and theme for that day revolving around the theme of the Jesse’s Tree Advent 2020 series.

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    • Lutheran Prayer Companion


      Martin Luther saw the incredible value in having a deep prayer life. He imparted his wisdom and thoughts on prayer in many of his writings, and those-along with thoughts from other orthodox Lutheran fathers-are compiled here in this comprehensive collection on prayer. This is the first complete modern English translation of the Missouri Synod’s old German prayer book.

      The Evangelical Lutheran Prayer Treasure. The included prayers are deeply anchored in God’s Word and reflect a warm, vibrant, confident trust in and love for Jesus and His saving work. An appendix of supplemental hymn texts is also included at the end of the book.

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