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    • Helping Children With Body Image


      The world is streaming messages to children about what makes them valuable. Children learn early from TV, media, friends, and classmates that if they don’t have the right size, weight, strength, and appearance, something is wrong with them.

      Children struggling with shame or discomfort about their bodies feel tremendous pain. They don’t feel normal or accepted, and their world is often cruel and judgmental. Counselor Jocelyn Wallace helps parents and caregivers give comfort to children who are hurting and confused about the false messages they have believed about their bodies. By unpacking the truths of Scripture, parents can help children see and understand the character of their loving Creator God, who designed them with care and accepts them unconditionally. As they turn to Christ in their struggle, they can be comforted by his care and love and even learn to reach out in love to others who are struggling.

      The struggle to live in a world that places such heavy emphasis on outward beauty and strength will not disappear, but its damaging messages can be better discerned and rejected in the context of a relationship with God that is genuine and never faltering.

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    • Helping A Hurting Friend


      If you have been in a dark or desperate place, you already know that the best kind of friend sits with your pain and listens. What does it take to be a compassionate, helping friend when those you love are struggling? A godly friend with a heart to help, a listening ear, and a love for God’s Word can be a profound help to a friend in need.

      Counselor Garret Higbee helps concerned friends embrace the idea of counseling in community and unpacks how members of the body of Christ can more effectively come alongside one another and carry each other’s burdens. He encourages us to develop the skills of patient listening and drawing out the heart before offering any words of guidance.

      Love is not only for times when it is easy but is especially needed when times are hard. When we might want to judge harshly or run away from a person’s pain or sin, a Christian friend will instead move toward the person, encouraging them sincerely, challenging them compassionately when needed, and restoring them gently to Christ.

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    • Teens And Suicide


      Many teenagers are not navigating adolescence successfully. Often, even though they have material things, the latest electronics, and spending money, they can be stressed, unhappy, and feel directionless. For an increasing number of teenagers, their struggle to manage pressures and expectations leads them to consider suicide as their only means of escape.

      Family and children’s counselor Julie Lowe takes a look at some of the reasons teenagers are increasingly vulnerable to suicide and what factors lead to it. She offers helpful advice for all those who work with teenagers to recognize suicide warning signs and shares ways to guard against hopelessness and help them find reasons to live.

      Loving, trustworthy adults (parents, mentors, youth workers, and friends) need to establish solid relationships with teenagers that will serve as the basis for the direction and instruction that they still acutely need. Teenagers long to be known and accepted.

      Giving them a solid foundation that they are known and loved by God, as well as displaying care, sacrificial giving, genuine compassion, faith in Christ, and being there for them builds a foundation that will not be easily shaken and will provide a lifeline to teens who are struggling.

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    • Children And Trauma


      Children can experience trauma from a variety of experiences, including neglect, physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, death of a loved one, bullying, racial trauma, and more. Trauma occurs when children are exposed to an experience perceived as threatening or harmful and respond with intense fear that affects them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

      Authors Justin and Lindsey Holcomb help parents and caregivers recognize the signs of trauma and guide them in stepping into children’s lives and demonstrating Jesus’s care and protection for them. The compassionate and helpful response of parents or caregivers can help children who have experienced trauma to access spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.

      Helping children feel connected and loved, giving them opportunities to express what they’re feeling, providing any necessary professional care, and being patient with behavioral outbursts will all go a long way toward helping children heal. Knowing that God sees, cares for, and understands their suffering will help a traumatized child move forward in their healing. Reminding them that one day all pain and suffering will cease can help turn their minds away from anxiety about future trauma and toward promised future peace and joy.

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    • Suffering : Where To Turn When Life Falls Apart


      Someone you love is ill, your child is in trouble, financial problems mount, you lost your job, your spouse left you-the list of troubles we experience is both uniquely difficult and depressingly similar. In this world we will suffer, Jesus promised that. But he also promised us something of infinite value-he will be with his people in their suffering.

      Steve Brown, a well known radio Bible teacher, writes honestly about his own struggles with suffering, but then also shares the hope he has found in the presence of Christ. It is in turning to him and remembering that he knows all about our struggles that we experience the power to endure in love and hope through the most difficult situations.

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    • Grieving The Loss Of Your Child


      The unthinkable has happened. Your beautiful child is gone, and you are left with a gaping hole in your heart and in your life. How could this have happened? How is it possible that you have outlived your own child? Ryan Showalter understands the magnitude of grief and pain that has entered your life. With compassion, grace, and a pastors heart, he walks with you through the valley of the shadow of death and leads you toward the comfort only God can provide.

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    • Stressed To The Max


      Does it seem like your to-do list always gets longer instead of shorter? Do you try to slow down but find yourself scrambling just to keep up? Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but it often seems you have more than your fair share. You can’t continue at this pace forever, but there doesn’t seem to be a way out.

      With characteristic understanding and compassion, Joni Eareckson Tada helps you begin to slow down and sort through the sources of your stress. She offers the spiritual refreshment of Christ’s loving presence and words of encouragement, along with practical suggestions for exchanging a stressful lifestyle for a life of rest.

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    • Grief : Living At Peace With Loss


      How do you cope when a deep or tragic loss leaves you feeling empty, angry, or alone? Healing is a journey, and while there are no shortcuts through the process of grief, God promises not to leave you in the valley of despair. June Hunt has counseled those who grieve for over 25 years, and this book will gently and truthfully lead you through the mourning process and into joy once again.

      There are all types of grief; from the normal expression you feel when something tragic and unexpected happens, to chronic grief and repressed grief. This Christian book will help you determine what may have caused grief in your life and help you on the steps to recovery. Learn what ,”grief work,” is and how it can help you commit to working through difficult grief and the stress that goes along with it. The effects of not experiencing healthy grief work may result in becoming isolated, insulated, inverted, immortalized, and denying your grief altogether.

      In the section titled, ,”Steps to Solution,,” June Hunt gives you practical advice on how to:
      *Navigate through the Stages of Grief
      *Resolve Grief Caused by True Guilt
      *Move from Crisis to Contentment
      *Let Go, Say Goodbye, and Find Peace
      *Encourage Others to Overcome Loss

      As you place your seasons of sorrow in God’s hands, He promises to take you from sadness to strength, from pain to peace, and from darkness to the dawn of a new day. Experience God’s peace for today and His hope for a vibrant, happy tomorrow.

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    • When Crisis Hits


      When life falls apart, we feel deep confusion. Our emotions may shatter no matter how strong we have been. Our minds fill with unanswered and painful questions like the following: “Why me?” “What did I do to deserve this?” “Is there any hope for my future?” “Do I even have a future?”

      Jack Miller writes as a cancer survivor to others whose lives have fallen apart, and he offers the hope and peace that come from trusting in God for your future. Turning to Christ when crisis hits will fill your life with purpose and joy even in the toughest times.

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    • Homosexuality And The Bible


      As the conversation around homosexuality becomes increasingly hostile on all sides, it can be difficult to know where to stand as a Christian. You dont want to compromise Gods Word, either by blindly following the culture or by treating others with hatred and contempt. How do you hold onto your convictions without projecting an image of Christ that is self-righteous and judgmental? R. Nicholas Black addresses both sides of this equation. Challenging easy assumptions about gays and lesbians, he encourages you to build the foundation of your conversation on Gods love for people created in his image. He also examines some of the most disputed passages regarding homosexuality and draws out the fuller story of Gods design for sexuality.

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    • Grieving A Suicide


      Someone you know and love has died. You feel the emptiness and sorrow of loss. That alone is extremely hard. But suicide adds many other painful reactions to the heartache that death brings. Common reactions are feelings of anger, guilt, betrayal, and many, many unanswerable questions.

      This is one of life’s broken, dark experiences in which you need help and encouragement to remember that the promises and presence of your God and Savior are real. In the midst of this darkness, David Powlison points you toward God who will be with you, uphold you, and help you live by faith through this tragedy.

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    • Freedom From Resentment


      Everyone experiences hurt in relationships, but most of the time we are able to forgive and forget. But sometimes we experience a major hurt that lingers in our minds and leads to bitterness. We feel trapped by the resulting hostility, ongoing broken relationships, and inability to move on. Can you escape the sorrow and soul impoverishment that bitterness brings?

      Robert D. Jones explains how a relationship with Jesus, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering, can free you from bitterness. Then he outlines practical ways to live out the gospel in difficult relationships. Healing and freedom is possible, even for long-lasting hurts

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    • Restoring Your Broken Marriage


      Anger…fear…despair…guilt…shame…when your marriage is broken by adultery, the core struggles of your heart are revealed. But although you and your spouse may be experiencing many of the same emotions, you are standing on opposite sides of a deep abyss–one of you has profoundly hurt the other. Is it possible to bridge the gap between you and heal your marriage?

      Robert D. Jones offers the hope you need in this honest look at one of life’s most difficult experiences. He outlines a detailed, practical process to invite God’s presence and power into your marriage. You will learn that God is with you, right in the middle of your broken relationship, and you can depend on him to do what you can’t–rebuild trust and renew your marriage.

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    • Help For The Caregiver


      You spend your days (and maybe nights) helping someone else. If you are a caregiver for someone who is chronically ill, you have already discovered there is a need to be more compassionate, thoughtful, and sacrificial than you ever anticipated. But, to be able to continue your physically and spiritually demanding caregiving, you need help too.

      Dr. Michael R. Emlet offers you help to think biblically about your struggles and the struggles of the person you are caring for. Then he shares useful strategies for avoiding social, physical, and spiritual caregiving burnout.

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    • Freedom From Guilt


      Are you living under a cloud of guilt that you can’t seem to shake no matter what you do? Do you feel guilty about everything, all the time? We all have different ways of dealing with our guilty feelings, but none of them work for very long.

      Timothy S. Lane explains that our strategies for dealing with guilt don’t work because guilt is not just a bad feeling. It’s a real problem between us and God. Depending on Jesus to restore your relationship with God is the only way to be truly free from the guilt and shame that weighs you down. Discover how to step into the forgiveness and freedom that Jesus offers you.

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    • When Bad Things Happen


      Is a personal God really involved in our suffering? And if he is, what in the world is he up to? Why would a good God allow suffering in his world?

      William P. Smith addresses these and other hard questions by reflecting on what the Bible teaches about suffering. Instead of pat answers, he shares the different ways God uses suffering to bring us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with him. You can learn to see the good that God brings out of suffering and be thankful-not for the suffering itself, but for God and his involvement in your life.

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    • Renewing Marital Intimacy


      You started out telling each other everything. Time flew by when you were together. It all seemed so easy then. But now it seems like there’s nothing to say. The intimacy and trust you once enjoyed are gone-replaced by bickering, long silences, and hurried conversations about your schedule. But it isn’t too late to renew intimacy in your marriage.

      David Powlison takes a close look at those things that destroy intimacy in marriage and shows how renewing your marriage begins with a renewed relationship with God. Then he offers practical steps to achieving closeness in your marriage, including three questions to ask each other every day.

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    • Single Parents : Daily Grace For The Hardest Job


      If you are a single parent, you already know you have one of the hardest jobs in the world. Trying to be both dad and mom-breadwinner, cook, chauffeur, comforter, dishwasher, homework helper, disciplinarian, nurse, and role model-can wear down the hardiest man or woman. But do you know that God, in the Bible, offers words of grace, power, and hope especially for you?

      Robert D. Jones addresses the many different issues that single parents struggle with-guilt, bad memories, anger, bitterness, resentment, loss, grief, and fear. Then he shares biblical truths and practical parenting strategies that will give you hope and direction for each day.

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    • Recovering From Child Abuse Five Pack


      SKU (ISBN): 9781934885888ISBN10: 1934885886David PowlisonBinding: PerfectPublished: July 2008Publisher: New Growth Press

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    • Life Beyond Your Parents Mistakes


      What if your human parents were violent, deceptive, cold…or even just occasionally disappointing? Can their failures keep you from understanding God’s love and having a growing relationship with your heavenly Father? Some say that you can’t know God’s love unless someone will stand in your parents’ place, giving you a loving new image to use in relating to God. But is this true?

      David Powlison speaks compassionately to those who are disappointed by their human parents, and he uses God’s Word to show that our parents’ mistakes cannot stop us from knowing God and his unfailing love. Using case studies from his extensive counseling experience, Dr. Powlison explains how turning to God for mercy and help will transform your life and your relationships.

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    • Grief : Finding Hope Again (Reprinted)


      Grief: Finding Hope Again is a practical booklet on recovering from grief. With compassion and biblical wisdom, Paul David Tripp shows us how to think and what to do when death enters our door. He reminds us that God often brings the most wonderful things out of the darkest experiences, just as he did at the cross.

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