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    Rose Publishing

    • Tabernacle Cutaway Wall Chart Laminated


      Exclusive! Tabernacle Cutaway
      This new Tabernacle Cutaway wall chart was created exclusively for Rose Publishing by renowned Bible artist Stan Stein. It provides you with an inside look at the
      High Priest and His Garments Gate of the Court
      Court Fence Brazen Altar
      Laver of Bronze Tabernacle Tent
      Holy Place Golden Lampstand
      Table of Showbread Altar of Incense
      Veil Most Holy Place
      Ark of the Covenant Mercy Seat
      Golden Censer
      Cloud and the Pillar of Fire
      Offerings (burnt offering, grain offering, peace offering, sin offering, and trespass offering)
      Each part is identified by a number and is explained on a reproducible worksheet on the back of the chart. Descriptions of each item include scripture references

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    • Reformation Time Line Pamphlet


      12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Reformation Sunday is October 29. It commemorates the day that Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. A good opportunity to know more about reform, revival, and the importance of the Bible.

      This concise guide to the Reformation shows a time line of key people and events. Gain deeper insights into the rise of Protestantism, and the influence of people such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale, and King James. Learn why they wanted to reform the church of their day. See 400 years of church history alongside the colorful politics of King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and others,
      *Pre-Reformation Period through the Post-Reformation Period (1300-1700)
      * Wycliffe, Hus, Erasmus, Tyndale, Cromwell, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, and many more reformers
      *Simple explanations of points of doctrine and practice
      *Comparison with events in world history

      Packed with colorful illustrations and photographs

      3 in stock

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    • Noahs Ark Pamphlet


      Featuring simple summaries, diagrams, maps, and more, Rose’s Noah’s Ark pamphlet will deepen your understanding of this story and add depth to any Old Testament study. From a map of where the ark was found to archaeological discoveries proving the Flood actually happened, this pamphlet is packed with fascinating facts! Perfect for kids and adults!

      Unlike other graphics of Noah’s Ark, this pamphlet includes full-color diagrams of the inside AND outside of the ark labeled with dimensions based on scripture. It even takes it a step further by including how the ark’s size compares to common objects such as a football field and semi-truck making it easy to grasp the height, width, and overall length of the ark!

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    • Evidence For The Resurrection Pamphlet


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

      Additional Info
      Pamphlet: Evidence for the Resurrection
      Here are 12 reasons skeptics should believe that Jesus died and rose again. Examine the historical, archaeological, and cultural proofs for Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Also know the answers to other beliefs held by atheists and others. Learn why the resurrection is central for Christians. Discover the evidence that has convinced critics over the years.

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    • Islam And Christianity Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      Pamphlet: Islam and Christianity
      This concise pamphlet allows you to compare the basic beliefs of Christians and Muslims (those who follow the Islamic faith) at a glance. It will help you reach out to your Muslim friends and neighbors with understanding, and learn how to answer misunderstandings.

      Topics include:
      * Founder, Date, Location * Life After Death
      * Who is God? * Key Writings and Scriptures
      * Who is Jesus? * Sects and Denominations
      * Who is the Holy Spirit? * Prophets and Angels
      * Major Doctrines and Beliefs
      More than one billion people around the world follow the teachings of Muhammad and Islam. And the number of Muslims is growing rapidly. Learn what beliefs Christians and Muslims have in common and which are different. Avoid common mistakes Christians make when communicating with Muslims at school, neighborhood, and at work. Know what Muslims have been taught about Christianity and how to answer their questions and concerns. Be aware of cultural differences. Topics include what Muslims believe, what Christians believe, and how to correct misunderstandings in the following areas-Religious History, Who is God?, Holy Scriptures, Prophets, Practices and Rituals, Salvation and Paradise, Role of Women, and Religion and Culture. Also includes a helpful glossary. Ages 12 to adult.

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    • 12 Disciples Pamphlet


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Unfolds To 33″ Long

      Additional Info
      The Twelve Disciples pamphlet gives descriptions and details of each of Jesus’ 12 disciples. Includes facts such as name, nickname, personality and character, key verses, relationship to Jesus, strengths and weaknesses, and stories about their life, death, and ministry. Great for discussing God’s strength and forgiveness in our lives. Pamphlet fits perfectly in most Bibles.

      7 in stock

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Pamphlet


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

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      Fruit of the Spirit
      This fascinating pamphlet encourages Christians to live according to the Spirit, which produces godly traits (“the fruit”) to be part of our lives-
      * Love * Joy * Peace * Patience
      * Kindness * Goodness * Faithfulness
      * Gentleness * Self-control
      These traits are impossible to have by our own efforts, but this chart shows believers how to walk by the Spirit and grow. This is a great reference for all ages. Easy-to-understand. Pamphlet fits perfectly in most Bibles.

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    • Bible Overview Pamphlet


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Unfolds To 33″ Long

      Additional Info
      Bible Overview
      The Bible Overview pamphlet gives a fantastic summary of every book of the Bible-
      * Who wrote the book? * When was it written? * Where was it written?
      * Message, main events, and theme * Key verse
      This is a great reference for ages 10 and up. Easy-to-understand text for young people and for people with no Bible background, yet clear and scholarly enough for college students and seminarians. Pamphlet fits perfectly in most Bibles

      5 in stock

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    • Denominations Comparison Wall Chart Laminated


      Heavy Chart Paper

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      Denominations Comparison Chart
      Many pastors, teachers, and Bible study leaders have asked for a chart that compares Christian denominations and what they believe on different topics. What is the difference between –
      * Baptist * Churches of Christ
      * Anabaptist * Orthodox
      * Presbyterian * Anglican
      * Lutheran * Congregational
      * Adventist * Pentecostal
      * Roman Catholic * Methodist
      What do they believe about God, the Trinity, Jesus, the Scriptures, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and salvation? This easy-to-understand chart has brief, concise answers. All of these 12 groups believe in the deity of Christ and the importance of Scripture, so what makes them different? The information is taken from official publications by each denomination, the denomination’s website, and directories. On the back of the wall chart is a family tree of denominations that shows that many are related and when they were founded. Chart also available laminated.

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    • Creation Wall Chart Laminated


      The Creation wall chart shows the six days of creation from Genesis 1. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth . . .” This dynamic full-color illustration shows what God created each day: light, sky, land, sea, plants, sun, moon, stars, sea life and birds, animals and people. It is also great for teaching about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Perfect for teaching adults or children, or just as a beautiful decoration

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    • Middle East And Central Asia Map Wall Chart Laminated


      Middle East and Central Asia Map Includes the 10-40 Window
      This bright colorful map shows the countries in the Middle East and Central Asia, along with population and religion information about each one. Helps you pray for missionaries and persecuted Christians in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and more. Perfect for studying the 10-40 window. On the back: teaching tips and reproducible pages which include a mini-map, statistics about each country, and how to talk with Muslims about Christ. Available laminated or unlaminated.
      Topical index: 10-40, 10-40 window, Afghanistan, Arabian Sea, Aral Sea, Baghdad, Bahrain, Bible map, Bible maps, Cairo, Caspian Sea, Central Asia, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Euphrates, Gaza, Georgia, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, India, Indian Ocean, Indus River, Israel, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mecca, Medina, Mediterranean Sea, missions, missions map, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Riyadh, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Suez, Tajikistan, Tel Aviv, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, West Bank, Yemen

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    • Why Wait Pamphlet


      Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      Make People Think Twice Before Risking Their Health!
      Why Wait? gives 24 reasons for abstinence before marriage. This pamphlet makes teens and singles think twice before risking their health and happiness on sex outside of marriage. Includes 12 biblical reasons and 12 medical reasons for waiting. Emphasizes God’s perfect plan for marriage and God’s prohibition of sex outside of marriage. Shows sobering statistics on incurable sexually transmitted diseases. For instance-
      * Did you know that STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) cost
      $8.4 billion each year to treat in the United States alone?
      * Two-thirds of people with STDs are less than 25 years old?

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    • Kings And Prophets Wall Chart Laminated


      Bible study leaders, teachers, and history buffs will love this time line, Kings and Prophets. From King Saul and King David to prophets Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah and Jeremiah, this handy chart will make biblical chronology easier to understand.

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    • Temple Wall Chart Laminated


      Know the Temple Jesus Knew!
      This is the beautiful Temple where Jesus amazed the scholars as a child, where he threw out the money changers, where he praised the widow who gave all she had, and where the veil ripped from top to bottom. Perfect for teaching about the life of Jesus and Easter. See the Temple, the Court of the Gentiles, the Court of the Women, and the Portico. Four reproducible worksheets feature cut-away and birds-eye illustrations of Solomon’s Temple, Herod’s Temple, and the Tabernacle. Available laminated or unlaminated

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    • Trinity Pamphlet : What Is The Trinity And What Do Christians Believe


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

      Additional Info
      Understand the Trinity
      The Trinity is one of the most important doctrines in Christianity, one of the key doctrines that separates Christianity from other religions. This chart explains that Christians believe in One God in Three Persons not three gods and not one God with three personalities. Available as a wall chart for the classroom and as a pamphlet for your students.

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    • Christian History Time Line Wall Chart Laminated


      2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!
      Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more than 200 key people and events that all Christians should know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages.
      Contains fascinating facts:
      * From the life of Jesus to modern day
      * From Augustine to Billy Graham
      * From the spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam
      * From the King James Version Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls
      Available as a wall chart or a pamphlet. Chart also available laminated.
      Contributors: Bruce Shelley, Ph.D., Senior Professor at Denver Seminary, author of Church History in Plain Language; Mark Galli, M.A., editor of Christian History magazine; Gary Burge, Ph.D., Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College; Timothy Paul Jones, M.Div., author of Christian History Made Easy; Fritz Runge, Church History Instructor, the Jesus Film Project and Whcliffe Bible Translators.
      Topics include: 39 Articles, 95 theses, Adventist church, archbishop of Canterbury, Arminianism, Assemblies of God,Azusa Street, Billy Graham, Billy Sunday, C. S. Lewis, Calvinism, catholicism, colonial America, Columbus, council of Nicaea, Crusades, dispensationalism, early Christians, early church leaders, evangelism, Finney, first English Bible, first missionary journey, first missionary society, Francis Asbury, Francis of Assisi, Galileo, gnosticism, Gutenberg Bible, heresy, Industrial Revolution, inerrancy of Scripture, Jesuits, King James Bible, Luther, missionaries, Papal Inquisition, Polycarp, Puritans, Reformation, Scofield Bible, teaching of evolution, translation of Scriptures, Vatican, World War II

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    • Tabernacle Wall Chart Laminated


      The Tabernacle: Old Testament Symbolism Points to Jesus
      Whether you are teaching about Moses or the book of Hebrews, you need this chart. The Tabernacle wall chart is a beautiful teaching aid for children and adults. Many adults study the Tabernacle for the rich Old Testament symbolism that points to Jesus. See the parallels between the Old Testament sacrifices and priests’ duties, and Jesus’ service as the perfect sacrifice and perfect high priest. An excellent opportunity to share the Gospel in an unexpected way, by showing how God made a way for people to have fellowship with Him. On the back of The Tabernacle wall chart there are four reproducible worksheets.

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    • How We Got The Bible Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Increase Your Confidence in the Reliability of the Bible
      How We Got the Bible will inspire your students with the stories of early Bible translators. This time line of key people and events in the history of the Bible shows ancient writing materials, such as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls, papyrus, early hand copied books, and more. Features people who gave their lives to translating and printing the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg.

      * Features facts about early Bibles, including the Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Wycliffe and Tyndale Bibles, the Geneva Bible, the King James or Authorized Version Bible, the Revised Version, as well as modern-day translations.
      * Special emphasis on the inspiration of the Scriptures and the reliability of the Bible as the Word of God.
      * Explains the importance of finds such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which testify to accuracy of Bible translation throughout the centuries.

      Available as a wall chart or a pamphlet.

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